by DTG



From 1 October 2017, all construction sites, which are built in the new group of 3 or works contracts over 1 million euro, must be provided to the electronic time recording system - abbreviated EDLUS accordance with the Law on Taxes and Fees.EDLUS_LBP is an electronic system which is provided on the construction site of persons employed in the working time of electronic registration, tracking and storage of recorded data.EDLUS_LBP are visits timing and duration of the site visitors.The site must not have any EDLUS_LBP system of a person not registered.Latvian Contractors Partnership by members of the companys Data Technology Group (DTG) create EDLUS_LBP system. Latvian Contractors Partnership (LBP), which also keeps the EDLUS_LBP database and is EDLUS_LBP system holder.EDLUS_LBP mobile applications activities ofConstruction site employed to identify the person uses individual means of identification (the PPA), which makes the site an employed person identification and registration of the working time of electronic time recording system.As one of the IIL can be used in a mobile application EDLUS_LBPa. Persons employed in the construction site levelb. Construction site foreman levelc. The construction site of the responsible person atPerson in charge of the construction site has the following features EDLUS_LBP system:• Company employees recording;• The companys employee identification means IIL solicitation;• be able to remotely make employees work time initiation and completion.• Possibility to register the guests;Construction site foreman will take the following actions in the system• The companys employees work time registration• Possibility to record visitorsEmployed persons on the construction site• Workers or attached to the person who performs work on site works contract execution record their working time EDLUS_LBP as one of the records to be using the mobile application EDLUS_LBP.EDLUS_LBP system test• Contractor or his representative is entitled to perform unscheduled EDLUS test site through a mobile application.